Changes to NDIS Supports (3 October 2024)

Changes to NDIS Supports - 3 October 2024

Are you worried about the recent changes that have come into effect as part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment?

The new NDIS laws are effective as of 3 October 2024, so we completely understand your concerns.

Rest assured, these important changes are being made to make the NDIS stronger and improve the experience for all participants.

We’re here to guide you through any impacts this may have on your supports and services. Here’s what you need to know.


Changes to How You Can Use Funding:

From 3 October, participants will only be able to use their NDIS funds for items on the approved list of NDIS supports.

An approved support is a ‘reasonable and necessary’ service and support to help you pursue your goals.

This can be related to things like living arrangements, jobs, hobbies and social activities and connections, and the approved NDIS supports list includes 100% of the supports and services that we already offer.


View Approved vs Not Approved Supports:

There are currently 37 groupings of ‘NDIS supports’ which are approved supports.

There are also 15 categories of goods and services that are not ‘NDIS supports.’

If you wish to review either list, they can both found here.


Our Assurance to You:

Our supports and services are continuing at Helping Solutions with little to no changes, as 100% of the supports and services that we offer remain on the list of approved NDIS supports.

Our services and supports include:

  • High Care
  • Community Nursing
  • Daily Activities
  • Mental Health
  • Community Participation
  • Accommodation Assistance (Respite, SDA and SIL)


Further information about the recent NDIS changes can be found at:

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