Learn to sail with SailAbility WA

Learn to sail with SailAbility WA

Our local community is full of organisations and groups that offer supports and services for community participation.

This month, we want to introduce you to your next, favourite summer activity: Sailing!

SailAbility WA (hosted by the Royal Perth Yacht Club) offers both supported sailing and learn to sail programs.

If you’re looking to build confidence, try new things, and socialise in a more active and supported setting, sailing with SailAbility WA could be perfect for you!

Learn to sail with SailAbility WA

A little bit about each program:

Supported Sailing – mobile participants

Taking place on Wednesday mornings, these Supported Sailing sessions are ideal for mobile participants able to board boats with minimal assistance. Sailing takes place on the Swan River/ Derbal Yerrigan and there are a few options available:
  • Large kneelboat – allows a participant to sail with their support person, as well as a volunteer skipper.
  • Hansa 303 dinghy – allows a participant and volunteer skipper to sail together as a duo.
  • Hansa Liberty – this is perfect for experienced solo sailing. 

Supported Sailing – wheelchair users

On Thursday mornings, additional Supported Sailing sessions are offered for wheelchair users who require hoisting onto boats. There are a variety of ways to participate:
  • Large kneelboat – allows a participant to be hoisted from their wheelchair and settle comfortable into beanbags and cushions for the trip.
  • Nev Thomas 2 – this is a rigid motorised floating pontoon which can be boarded by electric wheelchair users participants who would rather remain seated.
More information about both session types (including departure times and pre-sailing preparations) can be found here.

Learn to Sail

If you want to learn how to sail, SailAbility WA also offers mentoring on Sunday mornings by an experienced skipper, using the Hansa 303 dinghies.

A support person or family member is also encouraged to learn to sail in a separate dinghy, so that you and that person can eventually sail together as a team!

More information can be found here.


Learn to sail with SailAbility WA

Supporting you to reach your goals this year

At Helping Solutions, we’re ready to support you to engage and connect with your community.

If your 2025 goals include increasing your independence, building your support network, and accessing the community with more ease, participating in sailing is an incredible opportunity (and a great way to make the most of our beautiful, summer days!)

Want to try sailing through SailAbility?

  • An annual membership is required to take part in SailAbility WA programs, but you don’t need a membership to attend a Come and Try Day or a social sailing day (two sailing events are coming up on 2nd February and 23rd February!)
  • If you’re not yet a Helping Solutions participant, enquire about our Community Participation supports to get started, and we’ll pair you with a support worker who can support your attendance in some upcoming SailAbility WA events!

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